COOKS and help, with all the kitchen staff of a wealthy home; posing outdoors (for reasons of photographic exposure) they mimic their duties with the tools of the trade, while one of them raises his glass in a toast. They are placed on a rectangular folding table, which can become round by opening it (see also # 33382 b / n version). Sepia toned photograph, Italy circa 1900.


title: COOKS

subject date: 2002-11-07

caption: COOKS and help, with all the kitchen staff of a wealthy home; posing outdoors (for reasons of photographic exposure) they mimic their duties with the tools of the trade, while one of them raises his glass in a toast. They are placed on a rectangular folding table, which can become round by opening it (see also # 33382 b / n version). Sepia toned photograph, Italy circa 1900.

category: HIS

copyright: © Fototeca Gilardi

copyright status: Copyrighted Work

country: Italia

credit: Fototeca Gilardi

instructions: Per utilizzi: Fototeca Gilardi - t. 02 3931 2652

file date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

object name: 43976

priority: 0

multiplying price: 1.00

pricing: default

continent: Europa

image century : XX

image epoch: vuoto

subject century: XX

subject epoch: vuoto

technique: fotografia

id: 5595

file name: FSNgilardi_43976.jpg


craftscellarcellerercookuniformkitchencheftraineeItalyKingdom of Italytoque blanchehathelpservice staffGroup photosDomestic workers

Dimensioni in pixel: 2687 x 1904

Dimensioni file jpeg: 833KB

Dimensione file non compresso: 14988.42 KB

Dimensioni di stampa (300dpi): 22.75 x 16.12 cm

Image size: 2.687 x 1.904 pixels

File size: 833,00 KByte

Uncompressed file size: 14,64 MByte