Herbaria. Vermentino grapes (or grape Vermentino Vernaccia). Illustration chromolithograph from "Pomona ie Italian treaty of fruit trees," the first and most important work in images of Pomology Italian, edited by George Gallesio (1772-1839). Published in installments from 1817 until the death of the curator, was financed by an original system of associations: the buyers, carefully selected, would buy each issue, the proceeds of which financed the production of the next issue; Gallesio just so he could meet the costs of its high artistic quality code for the work. Typography Niccolò Capurro, Pisa 1817-1839.



subject date: 2004-04-20

caption: Herbaria. Vermentino grapes (or grape Vermentino Vernaccia). Illustration chromolithograph from "Pomona ie Italian treaty of fruit trees," the first and most important work in images of Pomology Italian, edited by George Gallesio (1772-1839). Published in installments from 1817 until the death of the curator, was financed by an original system of associations: the buyers, carefully selected, would buy each issue, the proceeds of which financed the production of the next issue; Gallesio just so he could meet the costs of its high artistic quality code for the work. Typography Niccolò Capurro, Pisa 1817-1839.

category: HIS

copyright: © Fototeca Gilardi

copyright status: Copyrighted Work

country: Italia

credit: Fototeca Gilardi

instructions: Per utilizzi: Fototeca Gilardi - t. 02 3931 2652

file date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

priority: 0

multiplying price: 1.00

pricing: default

continent: Europa

image century : XIX

image epoch: vuoto

subject century: XIX

subject epoch: Ottocento

technique: cromolitografia

id: 4994

file name: FSNgilardi_39479.jpg


VermentinoVernacciaGallesio G.George GallesiopomonaSardiniaTuscanyLiguriaPiedmontFurmentinFavoritevineyardlivesgrapeswineviticulturefruitinfructescencewhite grapebranchgrapevineVitis viniferaClimbingbotanyherbariumvegetablesMattioli A.treatySummervegetablePA MattiolisupplyFoodtreatedBaroquePierandrea MatthiolusberrySolanaceaeMediterranean dietAmericaPetri Andreae MatthioliJoachimum CamerariumimportNew ContinentnewsdiscoveryNatural History

Prints and more
Print A4 (21x29,7 cm) 15.00 EUR
Print 30x42 cm 42.00 EUR
Fine art print 20x30 cm 55.00 EUR
Fine art print 30x45 cm 80.00 EUR
Print A5 (14,8x21 cm) 8.00 EUR

Dimensioni in pixel: 2695 x 3959

Dimensioni file jpeg: 1120KB

Dimensione file non compresso: 31258.32 KB

Dimensioni di stampa (300dpi): 22.82 x 33.52 cm

Image size: 2.695 x 3.959 pixels

File size: 1,09 MByte

Uncompressed file size: 30,53 MByte