ASSYRIANS Statue in representing stone the king coming Idrimi from a locality close to Antiochia (Antakya, Turkey), 1500 a.C.



subject date: 2004-09-02

caption: ASSYRIANS Statue in representing stone the king coming Idrimi from a locality close to Antiochia (Antakya, Turkey), 1500 a.C.

category: HIS

copyright: © Fototeca Gilardi

copyright status: Copyrighted Work

country: Turchia

credit: Fototeca Gilardi

instructions: Per utilizzi: Fototeca Gilardi - t. 02 3931 2652

file date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

priority: 0

multiplying price: 1.00

pricing: default

continent: Asia

image century : XVI a.C.

image epoch: Mondo antico

subject century: XVI a.C.

subject epoch: Mondo antico

technique: Scultura

id: 4987

file name: FSNgilardi_39403.jpg


AssyriansMesopotamiaTurkeymonarchsculptureSyriaAntiochiaIdrimiKingMondo antico

Dimensioni in pixel: 2514 x 3652

Dimensioni file jpeg: 819KB

Dimensione file non compresso: 26897.84 KB

Dimensioni di stampa (300dpi): 21.29 x 30.92 cm

Image size: 2.514 x 3.652 pixels

File size: 819,00 KByte

Uncompressed file size: 26,27 MByte