ANTISEMITISMO lynching of four Jewish teachers by some so-called "collaborationists" among the population of the city of Lviv: when the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was broken, as soon as the Soviet troops left the city already conquered by Poland and now invaded by the Germans, excited by the new arrivals SS the pro-Nazis sink into the tragically customary practice of the pogroom. In four weeks, between June and July, the anti-Semitic fury caused 4000 deaths. In the image, taken from spontaneous footage, one of the victims is dismayed, completely naked in the crowd, a man angrily holds her by the arm. Within a few months, the General Governorate would officially begin the implementation of the "Final Solution". Photography, part of the exhibition set up in 1995 by the Valle d\

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subject date: 2016-09-01

caption: ANTISEMITISMO lynching of four Jewish teachers by some so-called "collaborationists" among the population of the city of Lviv: when the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was broken, as soon as the Soviet troops left the city already conquered by Poland and now invaded by the Germans, excited by the new arrivals SS the pro-Nazis sink into the tragically customary practice of the pogroom. In four weeks, between June and July, the anti-Semitic fury caused 4000 deaths. In the image, taken from spontaneous footage, one of the victims is dismayed, completely naked in the crowd, a man angrily holds her by the arm. Within a few months, the General Governorate would officially begin the implementation of the "Final Solution". Photography, part of the exhibition set up in 1995 by the Valle d'Aosta Committee for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Resistance, Liberation and Autonomy, on the conception and project of Ando Gilardi - National Historical Photo Library, in collaboration with the National Association of Ex Deportates and with the historical Institutes of the Resistance of the Valle d'Aosta and Novara. Lviv (Lvov), 30 June 1941.

category: HIS

copyright: © Fototeca Gilardi

copyright status: Copyrighted Work

country: Ucraina

credit: Fototeca Gilardi

instructions: Per utilizzi: Fototeca Gilardi - t. 02 3931 2652

file date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

object name: 71020

priority: 0

multiplying price: 1.00

pricing: default

continent: Europa

image century : XX

image epoch: Seconda guerra mondiale

subject century: XX

subject epoch: Seconda guerra mondiale

technique: Fotografia

id: 39418

file name: FSNgilardi_71020.jpg


WW2World War IIWorld War IIWWIIWWIIhumiliationcontemptcontemptdespaircrueltyForty yearsfuryexterminationfinal solutionRacismAnti-Semitismreligious persecutionintolerancepersecutionpersecutionJewsJudaismNazismNazisGermanyhorrors of warhorrorHolocaustHolocaustgenocideA. GilardiAndo GilardiresistancecommemorationItalyLvov's Mona LisaUkrainePolandLvivL'vivLvivLvovLvovLvowLwowValle d'AostaAostafiftiethanniversaryby popularizingdisclosureexposureshowGeneral GovernmentlynchingpogroompogromEinsatzgruppenvictimvictimswomanWomennakedhelplesshelpless

Dimensioni in pixel: 3898 x 5256

Dimensioni file jpeg: 6159KB

Dimensione file non compresso: 60023.11 KB

Dimensioni di stampa (300dpi): 33 x 44.5 cm

Image size: 3.898 x 5.256 pixels

File size: 6,01 MByte

Uncompressed file size: 58,62 MByte