SECOND WORLD WAR general Luigi Reverberi commander of the Tridentina Division (to right) with Policarpo Chierici, lieutenant colonel commander Battalion Val Churches (left) and Colonel Paul Misss (to the center) alpine commander 6° the regiment Campaign of Russia, winter 1942

Federazione Russa


subject date: 2010-05-15

caption: SECOND WORLD WAR general Luigi Reverberi commander of the Tridentina Division (to right) with Policarpo Chierici, lieutenant colonel commander Battalion Val Churches (left) and Colonel Paul Misss (to the center) alpine commander 6° the regiment Campaign of Russia, winter 1942

category: HIS

copyright: © Fototeca Gilardi

copyright status: Copyrighted Work

country: Federazione Russa

credit: Fototeca Gilardi

instructions: Per utilizzi: Fototeca Gilardi - t. 02 3931 2652

file date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

priority: 0

multiplying price: 1.00

pricing: default

continent: Europa

image century : XX

image epoch: Seconda Guerra Mondiale

subject century: XX

subject epoch: Seconda Guerra Mondiale

technique: Fotografia

id: 27832

file name: FSNgilardi_61656.jpg


II GMSecond world warUSSRU.R.S.S.Luigi ReverberiTridentinaPolicarpo ChiericiBattalion Val WonderedPaul MisssalpineretreatII World warII G.M.WW2Soviet UnionyieldgeneralportraitSecond world war

Dimensioni in pixel: 3072 x 2048

Dimensioni file jpeg: 4204KB

Dimensione file non compresso: 18432 KB

Dimensioni di stampa (300dpi): 26.01 x 17.34 cm

Image size: 3.072 x 2.048 pixels

File size: 4,11 MByte

Uncompressed file size: 18,00 MByte