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Search help Each image in the photo archive is indexed so that can be found through the search engine. Ensure that the research should give good results, you need to know how, how the program works. Please consider the following information: the main one is that the search results are always - in all cases - sorted by relevance. The second information is that when he says that the program "expands" a word, it means that automatically extracts all the declensions: singular/plural, male/female, in addition to the words closely resembling or that contain the word itself. Search by keyword When using only one keyword Enter the keyword (subject) in the field of the search engine. The research expands the word and then sort the results by relevance, example: • work : all photos containing the word work, followed by photos containing worker, workers, working, work in progress or women's work are retrieved. To use two or more words in a search First of all it's good to know that: to define the relationship between the search words you must separate words with the + or - signs , and/or with a space. If you write the words in the search window by separating them with a space example: • work craftsman Get images relevant to the craftsman, all those that contain both words, expanding both words. • work +craftsman Get the images that contain the two words, expanding both words, added to all images that contain the second word. • work+craftsman Get the images that contain the two words, or at least one of the two words, expanding both the words; shows first the images that contain both, then only the first and then only the second. To omit images containing a particular word from the search, enter the word preceded by a minus (-) sign. For example: • work -craftsman Get the images that contain the first of the two words, provided that they do not contain the second word, expanding both words. • work-craftsman Get the images that contain the first of the two words, provided that they do not contain the second word, and the images that contain the second of the two words, provided that they do not contain the first, expanding both words. Search by filename or Web ID If you know the filename Enter the filename along with its extension. For example: • FSNgilardi_62443.jpg If you know the WebID Enter the WebID in the searching field. For example: • 27850 Search with parameters Time parameters can be applied to what is represented by the image, the subject, or to when it was made. So you can set Subject parameters and Image parameters. century You write the keyword/keywords in the search window and choose a value in the drop-down menu . For example entering: · • Rome with choice XIX active in menu subject century = result: all images related to Rome in the nineteenth century. · • Rome with choice XIX active in menu image century = result: all images related to Rome made in the nineteenth century, but that could also be events and subjects of other past times epoch You write the keyword/keywords in the search engine and choose a value in the drop-down menu. For example entering: • Rome with choice Fifties active in menu subject epoch = result: the images relating to Rome in the Fifties • Rome with choice neorealism active in menu image epoch = result: images neorealists representing Rome
continent You write the keyword/keywords in the search engine and choose a value in the drop-down menu. For example entering: • Crafts with choice Europe active in continent menu = result: the images relating to crafts in Europe. technique You write the keyword/keywords in the search engine and choose a value in the drop-down menu. For example entering: • Crafts with choice fresco active in menu technique = result: the frescoes representing trades. Leaving the window empty by selecting ages, centuries and continents and techniques, from their menu, extracted everything that there is such a time, such a century, of such a continent or of such a technique. It is recommended that you do not add too many parameters to your searches, may filter too much the results, and give results distorted and reduced. Be careful not to forget the parameters inserted when you perform a new search.
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